After a long period of no motorkhanas we have finally found a place to play. The land in front of the old Dunlop Factory over the railway lines from the Upper Hutt Council buildings was made available by kind permission of the owner Malcolm Gillies of the Gillies Group & we hope to use this a couple of times a year for a bit of cone dodging.
Sunday March 27, 2011
The 1st event run at the new Dunlop Factory venue. 17 entrants including 3 Triumphs competed on 4 grass & 1 sealed courses. The weather was good until we moved onto the sealed section & then the heavens opened making it too difficult to continue. We had 3 hours of vehicle ballet by that stage though so didn’t feel too hard done by. 2 Triumphs had to limp off with minor injuries but both eventually drove home under their own power. Some exceptional skill was exhibited by the 2 Neils while the rest of us just had fun. Results